Simple roasted tomato sauce

Fresh roasted tomato sauce. This time I took pics of the whole process! Fresh Roma tomatoes, and a few others, quartered. Drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with salt. A few cloves of garlic. I had a leftover diced quarter of an onion so I added that too. This was all roasted at 300 convection for an hour, and then dumped right in to the @vitamix to purée for a minute. (I use @reynoldskitchens nonstick foil on the pan so it slides right off.) That’s it. I tossed in a few fresh basil leaves at the end for about 5 seconds, just long enough to chop them up. I just served this to 9 people (two moms, 7 kids) out of the blender over some cooked spaghetti. I don’t peel, core, or seed the tomatoes. It all purées beautifully in this blender.