Breakfast for Lunch: Pancake Sandwiches

A favorite easy lunch at our house. Leftover pancakes, made into little sandwiches and cut into quarters. Two of these have butter and two have cream cheese. They have a little container of homemade whipped cream, sweetened with a bit of maple syrup, of dipping the sandwiches in. On the side they have cheese, cheerios, and an orange. 

When I make pancakes for breakfast, I always at least double the recipe and make lots extra. They refrigerate or freeze great, and are perfect for a quick breakfast or lunch. My pancake recipe is here

Breakfast for lunch |

Homemade whipped cream is so easy to make - there's just no reason to buy it in a can. I have this nifty little whipped cream maker - you just put in your cream and your sweetener (I love to use maple syrup), close it up tight, screw on the little charging cartridge, and spray it out.  It's so easy and fresh! (note that the whipped cream maker doesn't come with the chargers, you have to order those separately - here.)